Vice President
Deputy Vice President
New Members: $10.00
Application form to be completed and handed in with payment. All new members are to be approved by the Board of Directors.
Renewals: $5.00/year
The Barellan and District War Memorial Club was erected in memory of those who lost their lives in both World Wars and as a tribute to ex-service personnel.
The Club started as a bowling club in 1946, when a team of dedicated bowlers purchased an area of land, built and planted a green, the team was led by Ben McKinnon (President 1946-47), Dr JR McLean (1948-49) and Nev Elwin (1952). Debris such as broken bricks and glass from the burnt down Barellan Hotel (1940) was used as drainage foundation.
The original clubhouse still stands at Peter Tubb’s property on the Old Narrandera Road. Progress was being made and membership growing; a name change was made to Barellan & District War Memorial Club, to obtain a liquor license and later, poker machines. Local carpenter Peter Olsen was engaged to construct a new clubhouse.
The 1960’s were prosperous years for the club. During this time a manager’s residence was constructed, and the clubhouse was built as well. During the early 1970’s, the second stage of the clubhouse was completed by Charlie Warburton Constructions.
In the late 1900s, a basketball court and four synthetic tennis courts were put down, Keno was installed and a Chinese cook was employed.
In the year 2000 and onwards, the club interior was opened up and a modern bar and reverse cycle air conditioning was added. An outside smoking area was built, adding to the comfort of members and guests.
This small club, with around six hundred members, has always supported many local charities, sporting clubs and organisations with generous donations. The Club remain a community asset for Barellan and district.
Barellan & Moombool, The Last Hundred Years – Kelly O’Keefe, Colin Semmler & John Semmler
“Barellan RSL started interest to build RSL Club, they could not get finance so that folded up. Further interest started with the bowling club in early 1944, they decided, with bowlers, to call it the War Memorial Club.
They bought the land, and started to build the bowling green, the Committee called on 50 members to donate £50 pounds each to start an account at the Rural Bank.
In 1944 bricks were carted from the Barellan Hotel which burnt in 1941. The bricks carted were used as a drainage for the green. After working bee’s carried on for 18 months to cart soil to build up around the green and covered the bricks. A small shed was built where the mower shed now is, which was used as a luncheon shed and also filled up with a kerosene fridge, which the post master would come over to start the fridge, fill it up with drinks. It was also used by Mrs Bill Kurtignon and Mrs Oram for lunches and afternoon tea.
The bowling green was finished in 1944 and bowls commemenced. The green wasn’t officially opened until 1946.
In 1948, it was decided that they were making money so a club was started. The committee bought 12,000 cement bricks at Willans Hill in Wagga. Four members volunteered to bring the brisk home, Alan Jamieson, Dick Albert, Bill Trembath and Dave and Frank Oram. These members refused payments for carting the bricks home.
Peter Ohlsen was the contractor to build the club, starting in 1948. The first caretaker was Bob Ballantyne, first manager Arthur Kennedy, first steward was Frank Oram from 1956 – 1962.
Ron Mathews was the second manager, retiring after 36 years leaving the club in very heathy state.
When the new club was finished, the 50 members who gave £50 pounds each refused to take the money back when offered.”
Frank Oram
Ben McKinnon 1946 – 1947
Dr JR McLean 1948 – 1949
Ben McKinnon 1950 – 1951 & 1954-60
Neville Elwin 1952
Tom Doyle 1953 – 1955
Hume Buchanan 1956 – 1957
Eric Baldwin 1958 – 1959
Tom Doyle 1961
Jack Semmler 1964 – 1969
Jack Martin 1970 – 1972
Les Brill 1973 – 1975
Toby Dicker 1976 – 1983
Ken Inglis 1984 – 1989
Tom Manning 1990 – 1994
Peter Findlay 1995 – 2007
Ross Elwin 2007 – 2011
A Norris 2012 – 2016
Graham Pellegrino 2017 – Present
Harry Brambley 1950 – 1952
Arthur Kennedy 1953 – 1958
Ron Matthews 1958 – 1994
Ray Daniels 1994 – 2000
Joe Demamiel 2000 – ?
At a well attended meeting held at Barellan to discuss plans for the erection of a district war memorial, it was decided on the motion of Messrs. W. W. Black and McKinnon, that a Sailors’, Soldiers’, Airmen’s and Service Women’s Memorial and Club Room be erected in the main street of Barellan in a site approved by the public. It was proposed to place an honour roll in view of the public where wreaths may be placed.
At a meeting held at Barellan to discuss plans for the erection of a district war memorial it was decided that a Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen's and Service Women's Memorial and Club Room be erected in the Main Street of Barellan on a site to be approved by the public. It was proposed to place an honour roll in view of the public where wreaths may be placed.
Following the decision of the Barellan sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers' League to establish its own club, a public meeting is to be held shortly to decide the future activities of the Barellan and District War Memorial Fund.
In the meantime, the secretary of the Fund is to contact all zone collectors with a view to finalising collections in their respective zones.
Reference was also made to the generosity of some of our members, namely Dave Oram, Dick Albert and Bill Trembath and a non-member, Alan Jamieson, in bringing about 12,000 bricks from Wagga to the club premises. The cost of petrol was offered by the club but these gentlemen did not even accept this small consideration. It is difficult to speak too highly of the really excellent club spirit shown by these members and the other members.
It was decided to offer Mr Alan Jamieson honorary membership of the club for two years as a token of appreciation. We further thank town members who turned out late at night to help unload the bricks from the trucks.
A well attended general meeting of the Barellan Bowling Club was held on Tuesday night and a large amount of important business was considered mainly regarding the new club house.
The possibility of the acquisition of twenty feet of extra land on the south side by the closing of the lane at the rear. This land to be replaced by a similar lane of access from the western end of our land if required, led to a reconsideration of the site of the club-house. At the last meeting it had been decided, because of extra width available on that side as compared with the south to build on the western side of the green. The members favoured the southern side and notice of motion was given to rescind the decision on the matter at our nest general meeting.
A matter that had been widely discussed was considered next i.e. whether the building should be of the usual design or should contain a brick dome. The meeting generally was opposed to the dome design and the vote went against it. We have three possible sources for timber required.
It was further decided that the roof consist of coloured cement tiles and a small sub-committee was appointed to attend to this matter.
The subject of a permit to build was discussed, information received to date considered and finally the matter was left in the hand of the president and secretary.
The question of whether the verandah would be of wood or concrete was discussed, but was allowed to stand over at present, pending inquiries into the relative costs of the two.
It was further decided that the building on the altered site should be 44 by 20 feet and not 40 by 22 feet as designed for the western side.
It has been decided that the building be financed by a local bank the basis of the deal being that 20 members of the club each be personally responsible for a loan of £50 repayable over a period of 10 to 15 years. The suggested terms are very liberal and we have no doubt by respond to date, that the matter will be arranged.
A club house, as proved by many clubs, is the means of greatly increased income for many reasons. Even under present conditions we have shown a profit of about £80 in the past year, so that we are not at all worried abut our present or future finances.
We are very grateful to Mr J Harrison, Yanco shire Engineer, who gave us the green levels last Saturday and spent several hours adjusting the levelling pegs. He has also given us very valuable assistance in planning our club house. We have our bricks and have practically arranged for tiles and timber on receipt of the permit which is expected soon, we hope to begin building in the near future and to have the building complete this year.
At the last meeting of the Barellan RSL Sub-branch it was decided to ask the Ex-Servicemen's Club committee to apply for a liquor licence when the club premises are completed.
Dance at Colinroobie - A very successful dance was held in the Colinroobie Hall recently in aid of Barellan's new RSL tennis courts. The function was organised by Misses Shirley Beecher and Beth Elwin, and netted over £24. There was a large attendance, including patrons from Narrandera and Barellan. A spot dance was won by Mr John Looby and Miss Terry Howe, and Mr Frank Looby and Miss Betty Coughlin won the Monte Carlo dance.
A good crowd attended the evening in the War Memorial Club, Barellan, the occasion being the unveiling and presenting of the Honour Roll for World War II. Dr McClean spoke of the splendid effort of the district. The committee had been able to raise £792 towards the War Memorial Club funds, as well as raising £160 for Honour Roll etc. The honour roll is a very nice one and had 173 names inscribed.